Monday, October 15, 2012

My Conference Challenge

Hello there! So I love reading blogs, and I've been wanting to make my own blog for a long time now...but I could never figure out what I could blog about. I know I could probably write about things in my own life...but then I'd never actually do it. I'd probably just think, 'I should probably blog about that...yeah, I'll do it later.' And that's not really that big of a deal really, because it is just a blog, but if I'm going to start something, I want to actually do it! So I kept putting off starting a blog until I knew I had something to write about, something that I could keep coming back to that wouldn't let my blog sit and collect internet dust. But I couldn't think of anything like that I could write about until last week during General Conference. General Conference; now that's something I can write about.

I love listening to the talks, and I always wish that I would do better studying them and applying them after conference is over. As I was listening this year this idea to blog about the conference talks came into my head. It kept nagging at me and wouldn't go away, and the more I thought about it, the more I really wanted to do it. I'm so much better at expressing my feelings through writing than through speaking (at least in my opinion), even to myself. I knew that this would be a good way for me to articulate my feelings and impressions on the talks in such a way that I can make sense of them to myself. And hey, maybe this way I can even share my insights with others and bring them some added understanding or appreciation, or at least start a productive train of thought and study for them. Maybe I'll be the only one who ends up reading it, but even if that's the case, I think it'll be lots of fun! I can't wait to see what comes of this, because I know at the very least it will bless my own life. :)

So stay tuned, because tomorrow I will be posting my thoughts on Pres. Monson's welcome message from the Saturday Morning session! It's going to be a great adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun Chicka! :) Lol. I can definitely relate to wanting to start a blog (one that's just for fun) and then putting it off completely. It'll be awesome to hear about the different General Conference talks :D
